Baby Hansen – A Newborn Session

Those first two weeks of a newborn’s life are incomparably precious, aren’t they?! There is no other time in a child’s life like those days and they’re gone in a blink. Baby sleeps so much that you can stare for hours at his sweet lips and plump cheeks and tiny nose; you can watch his chest rise and fall so rapidly as you study his breathing patterns; you can listen for every squeak and observe every little accidental smile. Those days are golden. Understandably, that’s when everyone wants to meet a new baby, but it’s a rare thing to get invited into that sacred two weeks.

When it’s my own nephew, I long to be there for those early days all the more. And in this case, all my dreams came true!

When my sister- and brother-in-law booked my flight months ago for a few weeks after Hansen’s due date, we had no idea how old he’d be for his newborn session. Well, Hansen hung on in there for a week past due, making him a perfect ten days old when I arrived. He was a total stud during his session – it was almost like he’d done this whole thing before.

After his big photo shoot, my daughter and I got to spend the rest of a long weekend loving on Hansen and his big sister Adelaide, and helping Josh and Olivia in whatever ways we were able. It was everything I ever could have hoped for, getting to be there in those early days while Hansen was still yet to go through his first growth spurt, and when I could send his tired parents out on their first date as parents of two.

Over the last decade, I have had the joy of photographing every stage of Olivia’s adult life, beginning with graduation, then engagement, her wedding, her new young family, maternity, and now her second child’s first days. I love this incredible family so deeply, and it delights me to no end to get to be with them for the most special moments of their lives. Josh and Olivia, you two parent with grace and gentleness, you are immeasurably patient and kind, and you are some of my favorite company to be in in all the world. I love you both so much and I love the two beautiful, tiny, and (in one case so far) spunky little humans you have produced. Thank you for inviting me into your space to capture your boy at ten days new!