Vicky & Alan – A Sunset Cliffs Wedding

Vicky & Alan – A Sunset Cliffs Wedding

April 1, 2017 marked day one of Vicky and Alan's love story. Exactly four years later, on the stunning cliffs of Point Loma and under a perfectly warm spring sun, these two committed themselves to each other forever before an intimate crowd of their families and very closest friends. The scene was flawless and the bride and groom were beaming.

Wearing her mother's wedding dress and turning every head within sight…

Sweet Sierra – A Newborn Session

Sweet Sierra – A Newborn Session

Ten days. That’s how long this little love has been in the world. I’d say she’s doing a pretty swell job of putting her precious little mark on it so far!

Meeting Sierra was without a doubt the absolute highlight of my week! (Let’s be real, it was the highlight of my month.) Those tiny squishy cheeks, sweetly squeaky newborn cries, and sleepy blue eyes had me completely wrapped around her long and lean little finger. Can you believe how much cuteness can be packed into just six-and-a-half pounds? I mean, seriously.

On top of Sierra being PERFECT…

Alan & Vicky – A San Diego Engagement Session

Alan & Vicky – A San Diego Engagement Session

When Vicky and Alan met at a church retreat five years ago, little did they know they would be getting married during a global pandemic half a decade later. With not a complaint to be heard, this stunning pair has made the most of the circumstances and has opted for a short engagement and a small, idyllic coastal wedding. All of this means that I get to do a back-to-back engagement session-wedding combo with them in the span of under a month, and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it!…

Sean & Heidi – A Maternity Session

Sean & Heidi – A Maternity Session

I’m actually not sure that I have ever in my life known a couple kinder than Sean and Heidi. I’m talking not a single ounce to the contrary in these two. And both of them embody a kind of warmth that leaves you feeling inclined to be just as kind and wonderful toward everyone else around you. As if they are the first link in an ever-growing chain of kindness. For real, I believe this duo will change the world in this way.

And great news!…

Jason & Maddie – An Anniversary Session

Jason & Maddie – An Anniversary Session

Technically still newlyweds when we did this session mere days before their first anniversary, Maddie and Jason shared the same giddiness they had at their wedding a year earlier. My heart melts every time I see these two look at each other. To love one another like these two do will inevitably bring out the best in each other, and that is exactly what Maddie and Jason do as a couple…

Sawyer Family

Sawyer Family

When my husband was invited to interview for his current teaching position at Point Loma Nazarene University, Brandon was the one who first contacted him. Brandon’s friendly and welcoming demeanor even over the phone was enough to make my husband begin to seriously consider working at a school that we knew little about at the time, other than that they had been our competitors in college track. When the two of us flew from Tennessee to San Diego for his in-person round of interviews, it was Brandon who greeted us in the parking lot. Two nights later over a delicious steak dinner overlooking the gorgeous bay, with a smile on his face and his beautiful wife beside him, it was Brandon who unofficially offered my husband the job of his dreams…